Raising a pug baby is fun, but it can be hard when they start biting. For a good friendship, you should figure out why your pug bites and How To Train A Pug Puppy Not To Bite.

In this guide, I’ll talk about why puppies bite, how to stop them, and when they’ll be calm again. I’ll also show you how to tell if your pug is being too mean.

Keep reading to learn some good ways to get your pug to be more friendly and get along with you without biting.

Why Is Your Puppy Biting You?

Puppies bite for a variety of reasons, including:

Play: Puppies learn about the world around them through their mouths, so biting is a normal part of their play. These dogs play and bite because they don’t want to hurt you. They may not know how to control how hard they bite yet.

Chewing: Puppies start chewing when they are 3 to 4 months old. During this time, they may bite more often to try to ease the pain of their sore gums.

Fear or anger: Puppies may bite when scared, angry, or stressed out. This is more likely to happen if they are not used to being touched or in a place they are not used to.

How Can I Stop My Pug Puppy From Biting?

Pug babies are known for being friendly and playful but bite a lot, which can be annoying for new dog owners. There are some excellent ways to keep your pug dog from biting:

Redirect Biting To Appropriate Objects

If your pug baby bites you, immediately take their attention to a chew toy or something else acceptable, like a stuffed animal or a tough rubber bone. This helps them learn that it’s okay to bite toys but not people.

Supportive Feedback For Being Polite

To keep your pug baby from biting, give them treats or praise when they behave well around you. This positive reward makes them more likely to repeat the desired action, eventually lowering the number of times they bite.

Don’t Play Rough Or Get Too Excited.

Puppies can bite when they are rough-housed or doing too exciting activities. Choose calmer playtime instead, and avoid games that make biting or mouthing fun.

Teach How To Stop Biting.

Bite prevention training teaches your dog (barn hunting) how to control how hard they bite. If they bite too hard, yell out loud and stop petting or playing with them immediately. This makes them feel what their littermates think and teaches them that biting too hard hurts.

Provide Adequate Teething Toys

When your dog is teething, give them lots of toys to keep them from chewing on your hands or other inappropriate things. Give them things with different forms and textures to keep them interested and happy.

Keep Going And Be Patient

It takes time and consistency to train a dog. Your pug puppy might take some time to learn the rules and stop biting. Don’t give up, and be gentle and steady with how you (crate) train.

If You Need To Get Professional Help

If your pug puppy keeps biting even after you’ve tried to stop it, you should talk to a skilled dog teacher or behaviorist. They can look at your puppy’s behavior and give you personalized advice on how to train it.

Remember that the best way to stop pug dogs from biting is to be patient and consistent. You can teach your puppy not to bite and get along with other pets using gentle training, positive rewards, and retraining.

When Do Pug Puppies Calm Down?

A pug puppy is known for being active and playful, but as it grows, it calms down and becomes more adult. Different pug babies start to calm down at different ages, but on average, it happens around two years.

During this time, they tend to have less energy, become more calm, and be less likely to have episodes of restlessness. And finally, remember that pugs keep their fun nature. They can still enjoy games and exercise as they get older.

Watch Out For Aggressive Behavior

There are different kinds of violent behavior, such as physical aggression, vocal aggression, and passive-aggressive behavior. Being aware of these signs and dealing with them correctly is essential.

Anyone who does something that hurts another person or animal physically is being physically aggressive. This includes pushing, hitting, kicking, biting, and throwing things.

Verbal violence is when you strike someone with hurtful or offensive words. Accusations, threats, yelling, and calling people names are all part of this.

Passive-aggressive behavior is when someone shows anger or bad feelings through actions instead of directly confronting someone. Examples are sulking, being rude, spreading lies, and ruining someone’s work.

Signs that someone is acting aggressively:

  • Getting more irritable or angry
  • easily set off by small events
  • Putting problems on other people
  • Making threats or working in a way that scares people
  • destroying things or hurting animals

You should get help if you or someone you know shows these signs. There are many ways to deal with angry behavior, such as therapy, classes on controlling anger, and training to solve conflicts.

FAQs On Train A Pug Puppy Not To Bite

How Do You Teach A Dog Not To Bite?

To teach a puppy not to bite, you must use constant teaching methods, positive rewards, and retraining. Take your puppy’s attention away from the bite and put it on a safe chew toy. As soon as they behave well, give them treats or praise.

If you want to play, don’t be rough. Instead, be calm. Teach them not to bite by stopping play immediately and yelling loudly when they bite too hard. It is possible to stop your dog from biting and build a good bond with it if you are patient and consistent.

When My Puppy Bites, Should I Keep His Mouth Shut?

When your puppy bites, you shouldn’t hold his mouth shut. This might not help and might even make the bite worse. Dogs may feel scared or threatened when their mouth is closed, and they may learn that biting is a way to get attention.

If A Puppy Bites, Does It Stop?

Yes, most pups stop biting if they get enough exercise and family time. When they are about six months old, puppies usually stop biting most of the time. But some puppies may still bite now and then until they are fully grown.

Final Thoughts

Pug puppies are cute and fun to play with but can bite when bored. If you are patient and consistent and use the proper teaching methods, you can teach your pug not to bite and get along well with them.

Some important things to remember from this book are:

  • Being a puppy means they will bite, but teaching them how to control how hard they bite is essential.
  • Reward your dog for being gentle with positive feedback.
  • Change what the child is biting to something else, like a chew toy.
  • Do not play rough or get too excited, as this can lead to bite.
  • Be patient and keep up with your workouts.

You can help your pug baby become a well-behaved and loving friend with some work.